Sunday, 31 March 2013

Star Trek Into Darkness: A Creative PR Stunt

I have to admit, I'm not a Star Trek fan. I'm not even sure if I've ever watched any of the Star Trek movies. Nevertheless, I have to say "WOW", when I think of the latest PR stunt for the upcoming movie "Star Trek Into Darkness".

On 23rd March the "Earth Hour 2013" took place. You haven't heard of that? Well, me neither.

A Revolutionary Way of Promoting Psycho

Wow, I'm working here on a post draft, which I created one month (!) ago - Instead of blogging, I was busy with amazing but time-consuming projects for university. I hope you forgive me and enjoy my post about the creative promotion of PSYCHO:

Last weekend I went to the cinema and saw the new movie "Hitchcock". To be honest: Until then I hadn't known much about Alfred Hitchcock and his movies. I haven't even seen "Psycho", which I really want to watch now after seeing "Hitchcock".